Committees are central to the organization and governance of the congregation. We always need more help on committees, which provide a way for members to directly participate in the activities and mission of the church.
- First Lutheran has a rich history. This committee maintains and organizes documents, artifacts, photos, and audio/visual recordings that have permanent value to the congregation and others. For more information contact Allison Hodde
Christian Education and Youth
- This committee oversees all aspects of Christian education for youth and adults. It coordinates the staffing of Sunday School classes and the nursery, and oversees all programs involving the youth in conjunction with the Youth Coordinator, which include many events, outings and fundraisers. For more information contact Jenneen Kaufman:
Long Range Planning
- This committee develops data about changes in our congregation and community so that the Congregation Council can effectively evaluate our mission and plan for the future. The committee also accepts special assignments which have long-range implications for our congregational life and ministry. For more information contact any member of the Church Council.
Social Ministry/Outreach
- This committee oversees many of the social ministry programs of the congregation. Our congregation participates in Room in The Inn from November to March. We have 8 guests spend the night and provide meals, a clothing closet, a shower and personal care items. Our congregation is in a partnership with a local elementary school, Jones Paideia. We provide money for field trips, school supplies, and food for students and many of our members volunteer at the school. Our congregation supplies financial support and volunteers for numerous local organizations. For more information contact Lisa Kafader at
STEP (Evangelism, Promotion)
- This committee provides opportunities to welcome new members, sponsors new member activities, and tries to help all members become active participants in our church home. For more information contact Carl Stasiunas:
Service Areas
- There are many ways to be involved in our worship life and we always welcome more people leading and serving. The Altar Guild sets up communion and prepares the sanctuary for worship. The Ushers welcome people, hand out bulletins, collect the offering and direct people as needed. The Greeters offer additional welcome to worshippers at the beginning of worship. Assisting Ministers support the pastor in leading worship. Lectors take turns reading the lessons in worship weekly. We rely on congregation members to lead the Children’s Sunday School during the school year. The Cantorei is the regular choir of First Lutheran, including members and music professionals, who lead the musical life of the congregational worship experience. You’re welcome to join in any of these activities. Please start by contacting the Church Office and we’ll make the right connections for you.